Reading HSI Data Files¶
The standard means of opening and accessing a hyperspectral image file with SPy
is via the image
function, which returns an instance of a
The SpyFile Interface¶
is the base class for creating objects to read
hyperspectral data files. When a SpyFile
object is created,
it provides an interface to read data from a corresponding file. When an image
is opened, the actual object returned will be a subclass of
(BipFile, BilFile, or BsqFile) corresponding to the
interleave of the data within the image file.
Let’s open our sample image.
In [1]: from spectral import * In [2]: img = open_image('92AV3C.lan') In [3]: img.__class__ Out[3]: In [4]: print(img) Data Source: '/home/thomas/spectral_data/92AV3C.lan' # Rows: 145 # Samples: 145 # Bands: 220 Interleave: BIL Quantization: 16 bits Data format: int16
The image was not located in the working directory but it was still opened because it was in a directory specified by the SPECTRAL_DATA environment variable. Because the image pixel data are interleaved by line, the image function returned a BilFile instance.
Since hyperspectral image files can be quite large, only
metadata are read from the file when the SpyFile
object is
first created. Image data values are only read when specifically requested via
methods. The SpyFile
provides a subscript operator that behaves much like the numpy array subscript
operator. The SpyFile
object is subscripted as an MxNxB
array where M is the number of rows in the image, N is the number of
columns, and B is thenumber of bands.
In [5]: img.shape
Out[5]: (145, 145, 220)
In [6]: pixel = img[50,100]
In [7]: pixel.shape
Out[7]: (220,)
In [8]: band6 = img[:,:,5]
In [9]: band6.shape
Out[9]: (145, 145, 1)
The image data values were not read from the file until the subscript operator
calls were performed. Note that since Python indices start at 0,
refers to the pixel at 51st row and 101st column of the image.
Similarly, img[:,:,5]
refers to all the rows and columns for the 6th band
of the image.
subclass instances returned for particular image
files will also provide the following methods:
Method |
Description |
read_band |
Reads a single band into an MxN array |
read_bands |
Reads multiple bands into an MxNxC array |
read_pixel |
Reads a single pixel into a length B array |
read_subregion |
Reads multiple bands from a rectangular sub-region of the image |
read_subimage |
Reads specified rows, columns, and bands |
objects have a bands
member, which is an
instance of a BandInfo
object that contains optional
information about the images spectral bands.
Loading Entire Images¶
It is important to note that image data are read by a SpyFile
object on demand
and the data are not cached. Each time the SpyFile
subscript operator or one of
the SpyFile
read methods are called, data are read from the corresponding image
data file, regardless of whether the same data have been previously read. This
is done to avoid consuming too much memory when working with very large image files.
It also improves performance when performing operations that only require reading
a small portion of the data in a large image (e.g., reading RGB bands to display
the image). The downside of reading data on demand and not caching the data is that there can
be a significant run time penalty when running algorithms that require access to
all of the data. Performance will be even worse if the algorithm requires iterative
access to the data.
To improve performance of spectral algorithms, it is preferable to load the entire
image into memory using the load
method, which returns
an ImageArray
object. ImageArray
the full numpy.ndarray
interface, as well as the SpyFile
In [1]: arr = img.load() In [2]: arr.__class__ Out[2]: spectral.image.ImageArray In [3]: print( # Rows: 145 # Samples: 145 # Bands: 220 Data format: float32 In [4]: arr.shape Out[4]: (145, 145, 220)
Because SPy is primarily designed for processing in the spectral domain,
objects in memory will always have data interleaved
by pixel, regardless of the interleave of the source image data file. In other
words, the numpy.ndarray
shape will be (numRows, numCols, numBands)
objects always contain 32-bit floats.
Before calling the load
method, it is important to consider the amount of memory
that will be consumed by the resulting ImageArray object. Since spectral.ImageArray
32-bit floating point values, the amount of memory consumed will be approximately
4 * numRows * numCols * numBands
NumPy memmap
As an alternative to loading an entire image into memory, a somewhat slower
(but more memory efficient) way to access image data is to use a numpy memmap
object, as returned by the open_memmap
method of SpyFile objects. memmap objects can also be used to write date to
an image file.
File Formats Supported¶
ENVI Headers¶
ENVI 1 is a popular commercial software package for processing and analyzing
geospatial imagery. SPy can read images that have associated ENVI header files
and can read & write spectral libraries with ENVI headers. ENVI files are opened
automatically by the SPy image
function but images can also be
opened explicitly as ENVI files. It may be necessary to open an ENVI file explicitly
if the data file is in a separate directory from the header or if the data file
has an unusual file extension that SPy can not identify.
In [5]: import as envi
In [6]: img ='', '')
In [7]: import as envi
In [8]: lib ='spectra.hdr')
In [9]: lib.names[:5]
['construction asphalt',
'construction concrete',
'red smooth-faced brick',
'weathered red brick',
'bare red brick']
See also
Functions for writing image data to files:
Creates a new image file with allocated storage on disk.
Saves an existing image or ndarray to a file with an ENVI header.
SPy supports data files generated by the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging
Spectrometer (AVIRIS) 2. AVIRIS files are automatically recognized by
the open_image
function; however, spectral band calibration files
are not automatically recognized; therefore you may want to open the image as
an AVIRIS file explicitly and specify the cal file.
In [10]: img ='f970619t01p02_r02_sc01.a.rfl', 'f970619t01p02_r02.a.spc')
You can also load the band calibration file separately (this may be necessary if the band calibration file is in AVIRIS format but the image is not).
In [11]: img = open_image('92AV3C.lan')
In [12]: img.bands = aviris.read_aviris_bands('92AV3C.spc')
The ERDAS/Lan file format is automatically recognized by image
It is unlikely that a file would need to be opened explicitly as a Lan file but it
can be done as follows.
In [13]: import as erdas
In [14]: img ='92AV3C.lan')